Blog - Jonas Blade & Metalworks


Who Makes The Top Chef’s Knife In The World?

I will give you an unhelpful hint: not me. Here are who I think make the world’s top chef’s knives: Bob Kramer Nick Rossi Bob Kramer The world’s top chef knife maker in the world is, without a doubt, Bob Kramer. His pricing starts at $1000 per inch, and his wait list was 15 years. . . Read More

How A Damascus Chef Knife Is Made?

When I exhibit my work at shows, there is a subset of people who approach to defend the virtue of “true” damascus steel. They contend that the modern version of it is a different animal, and it should in fact be called “pattern welded steel” instead. It is difficult to say precisely where this idea. . . Read More

What To Look For In The Best High End Kitchen Knife

Have you ever walked down the baking aisle in a supermarket? Generally, somewhere in between the flours, the spices, and the cake and brownie mixes, you will find a few shelves full of baking trays and a rack with a selection of kitchen tools and gadgets. Somewhere on that rack, usually somewhere higher up, will. . . Read More

What Professional Chefs Consider When Buying A Knife

What are thoughts to consider when buying chef’s knives? It is probably not a question most people have spent much time thinking about, but there is plenty to sink your teeth into.  Imagine yourself cooking professionally, in the kitchen of a high-end restaurant. You get to work at 11:00am each morning. You spend the first. . . Read More

What Are Damascus Kitchen Knives?

Kitchen knives made of damascus are enjoying a surge in popularity right now. With the perennial popularity of cooking shows–I can remember my way back to Julia Child reruns when I was a kid–and the burgeoning universe of food blogs and fine dining restaurants, it was only a matter of time before the culinary world. . . Read More

What Is A High Carbon Chef’s Knife?

A high quality carbon steel chef knife is a beautiful thing and what is needed to cook the best of meals. I won’t bore you with the merits of high carbon steel again; suffice it to say, it’s good stuff. It’s better stuff than what you’re used to if, like most people, you’ve lived your. . . Read More

What Are Some Of The Best Forged Knife Sets?

For most people, kitchen knives are a set of almost passive items in their home; something taken for granted, like furniture. Many couples use a set of knives they received as a wedding gift years or decades past. It was an upgrade from the mismatched chef knife and paring knife they got for their first. . . Read More

What Is A Damascus Chef’s Knife?

A damascus chef’s knife has the advantage of an exotic appearance compared to standard counterparts. In modern times, it is also a high quality blade that has the ability to cut most ingredients with ease. Knowing that, let’s take a look at the following: The Greatness Of Damascus Chef’s Knife The Inspiration Of My Craft. . . Read More

What Is Needed To Make A Knife?

What Is Needed To Make A Knife? Crafting a knife is always an adventure for me. I start out with a nondescript bar of steel, a block of wood, and maybe a few other bits and pieces, and then I end up with something that is beautiful, elegant, and useful. A lot has to happen. . . Read More

What Is The Blade On A Knife For?

At a minimum, a knife has two parts: a blade that cuts, and a handle to hold. A handle is simple and straightforward, just something you can hold onto with some degree of security and comfort. Back in the Stone Age, the earliest cutting tools were just chipped stone, the blade and handle were only. . . Read More